
Ready to improve your memory? Have more energy? Get rid of that bad habit?



In 20 relaxing minutes a day, you can get the same benefits that thousands of clients have seen over the last three decades such as:

  • Reduced or eliminated brain fog and negative mind chatter
  • Provided more energy
  • Promoted relaxation, which contributes to maintaining healthy sleep
  • Did away with unwanted habits and behaviors
  • Enhanced productivity, memory, focus, creativity
  • Improved quality of life

Whether you want to overcome stress eating or conquer a bad habit, instill a positive mindset, advance your career, master your sport, enhance your learning, write the great American novel, get your body super fit or simply regain the health and vitality you deserve, BrainTap Technology is for you!

For Focus and Motivation


 BrainTap Technology is a favorite with those who strive for peak performance. With programs to enhance learning, master a sport, get super fit, improve sales performance, or even attain great wealth, BTT provides the right mental rehearsal and mind-set to get there faster and with less effort. 

A One-of-a-Kind Solution to Today's "Super-Stress"


 Regular use of BrainTap Technology re-balances brain wave activity, allowing your brain to relax, rest and reboot. As you’re guided through various states of consciousness, you can change unwanted behaviors and habits, including those contributing to smoking, poor sleep habits and over-eating, all while helping you feel more relaxed and attentive, energetic, and motivated to succeed.